Conference and Doyenne Du Comice are a couple of the most commonly bought pear trees and they are commercially grown for their fruit. However, these are quite disease prone and are intensely sprayed in the commercial orchards. Therefore, Sussex Fruit Trees does not sell these, but offers a range of more disease resistant trees, see the list below.
Pear bush tree £60, Pear dwarf £62
Half standard £75
Step over £66 & Cordon £66
Espalier & Fan £100
Available as Bush semi dwarf & semi vigorous rootstock
Pale green to yellow, with sweet juicy flesh
Reliable cropper, spur bearer
Pick in September, does not keep
Flower group 4, pollinated by Fondante, Beurre, Onward
Beurre Hardy
Available as Bush semi dwarf & semi vigorous rootstock
Light green skin with russet, sweet & juicy with hint of rosewater
An old variety
Pick in October, does not keep
Flower group 4, pollinated by Beth, Fondante, Onward
Available as Bush semi vigorous rootstock
Cooking pear only, cook for 2hrs flesh turns pink
Green yellowish fruit with red flush
Heavy cropper, an old variety
Pick in October, store until March
Flower group 4, triploid, can not pollinate others
Pollinated by Beth, Beurre Hardy, Fondante, Onward
Available as Bush semi dwarf & semi vigorous rootstock
Available as Half Standard
Available as Step over (see shapes & forms in trees explained)
Available as Cordon
Available as Fan
Yellow fruit with some russet, juicy smooth flesh
Heavy cropper, compact tree
Pick in October
Flower group 4, self fertile
Pollinated by Beth, Beurre Hardy, Fondante, Onward
Fondante d’Automne
Available as Bush semi vigorous rootstock
Green to yellow with mottled brown russet, melting texture
Good garden variety with autumn leaf colour, disease resistant, spur bearing
Pick in September
Flower group 4, pollinated by Beth, Beurre Hardy, Concorde, Onward
Invincible Delwinor
Available as Bush
Available as Cordon
Eating and cooking
Tough tree good for exposed locations
Flower group 2, Self fertile
Available as Bush semi dwarf and semi vigorous rootstock
Green to yellow pear with a juicy sweet rich flavour
Great garden tree with resistance to disease & frost, spur bearing
Good cropper
Pick in September, store until October
Flower group 4, pollinated by Beth, Beurre Hardy, Fondante d’Automne
will not pollinate Doyenne Du Comice
Available as Bush form semi vigorous rootstock
Red leaves in spring
Red skin fruit with melting texture
Pick August
Flower group 3, self fertile
Pollinated by Beth, Beurre Hardy, Fondante d’Automne, Onward
Williams’ Bon Chretien
Available as Step over (see shapes & forms in trees explained)
Pale green turning golden yellow, very juicy and sweet
Early variety, reliable cropper
Flower group 3, self fertile