I have completed many plantings, each client requires something different, and I aim to achieve their wishes. Below I have displayed a few of these plantings to give you an idea of what is possible.
Fruit tree used as an ornamental specimen in a formal garden.
These two adjoining clients wanted seven fruit trees each, their own small orchards, both using different varieties of fruit so they can swap. In time the trees will act as screen, giving both gardens some privacy, yet a fantastic supply of fruit and beautiful display of blossom.
This client had 30m of fence panels, I planted a variety of trained trees.
4. Trained fruit trees are a great way of getting a high yield of fruit without taking up much space in the garden.
5. I have planted larger orchards. Some are mixed fruit orchards, whilst some are for juice or cider and others are for heritage and wildlife value.
6. Protection is important, from rabbits, livestock and weeds. I have even put fencing around a whole orchard. Staking prevents wind rock and enables the roots to establish in the soil.