Hazel & Cob Nuts
Hazel are great trees, not too large as you can coppice them every couple of years. The trees have catkins which are a great source of pollen in the winter and early spring. They give you a crop of nuts and the timber can be used for making a range of products like poles for growing beans. They can be grown like a clear trunk with branches or let them turn in to a clump forming multi stemmed tree. They can grow in partial shade. They can be under planted like a woodland or used in an ornamental garden. The Red Filbert even as purple leaves if you want to break up the green appearance of your trees and shrubs.
Cosford £42
Available as bush
Slightly larger than cobnut
Good pollinator
Gunsleberg £42
Available as bush
Reliable and heavy crop
Good texture and strong nutty flavour
Kentish Cob £42
Available as bush
Excellent texture and flavour, compact habit
Red Filbert £47
Available as tree bush
Fantastic claret catkins, purple foliage and purple skinned nuts